Designworkshops at Boisbuchet

Apresentação dos “Designworkshops at Boisbuchet” por Alexandre Martins.
Sexta-feira 18 de Maio, 16:00.

08. July – 13. September 2007

In collaboration with the Vitra Design Museum and the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, CIRECA organises every year a series of interdisciplinary summer workshops. Participants from all over the world live and work for one week with renowned architects, designers and artists at the Domaine de Boisbuchet, an idyllic country estate in the Southwest of France. This year Humberto und Fernando Campana (Brasilien), CuldeSac (Spain), Front (Sweden), Maarten Baas ( Netherlands) and Shin Azumi (GB/JP) amongst others, will offer a workshop at Boisbuchet.

The aim of these courses is not to produce a “perfect” product, but to offer insights into design processes and the challenges involved – challenges to think rationally, work imaginatively and display manual dexterity. The courses on offer focus on the practical, creative work and range from very concrete topics to questions which have purposely been left open. In the evenings a versatile accompanying programme is offered with lectures, discussions and general leisure activities. The extensive park-like estate of the Domaine de Boisbuchet is perfect for jogging and rambling, and a private lake invites for swimming and fishing.

By Pedro Amado

Professor Auxiliar na Faculdade de Belas Artes Universidade do Porto a lecionar Design de Tipos de letra digitais (Variable Fonts), Tipografia, Introdução à programação em Web Design II (Javascript) e Creative Coding em Laboratório de Som e Imagem (Processing). Investigador integrado no i2ADS na intersecção da Arte, Design e Tecnologia.


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