Escrita, Caligrafia & Lettering

Para o apoio das atividades letivas em Projeto 1, fica aqui [a tentativa de montar] uma lista mais visual de designers, artistas e autores de referência de Caligrafia e lettering clássico e contemporâneo.

Daniel “Rock Paper Ink” Markides
Elmo “Letter letter” van Slingerland
Hugo “Xesta” Moura

By Pedro Amado

Pedro Amado holds a PhD in Sciences and Technologies of Communication from the University of Aveiro (2014), a MFA in Multimedia (2007) and a degree in Communication Design from the University of Porto (2002). He is currently a colaborator of the i2ADS Research Group and ATypI board member and country delegate. He focuses his research and development activities on Interaction Design, Online Communities and Web Design, Editorial Design, Branding and Typography, Type Design and Letterpress.

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